You Have The Right To Fight For Safety And Fair Pay
Workers are fighting for and winning Personal Protective Equipment, additional sick leave, hazard pay and in some cases forcing their employers to temporarily shut down until it’s safe to return. Read below about how you and your coworkers can take action and win, and contact us for help getting started:

5 steps to organizing for protection at work
Find out how to fight for and win PPE, sick leave, hazard pay, or force your employer to suspend work until it is safe to return.

You and your coworkers have the right to take action
Federal law protects your right to come together with your coworkers and act to protect yourselves. Know your rights!

What should our employer be doing about coronavirus?
From hazard pay to masks to paid sick leave, see what you should be demanding of your employer during this crisis.

Talking with (and listening to) your coworkers
Get advice on how to talk with your coworkers, learn their issues and move them into action.

Joining together with your coworkers
Find out how to build unity with your coworkers and build a strong core group that can win justice at work.

Taking action to win your demands
Learn how you and your coworkers can act collectively to win your your demands and tip the balance of power in your favor.